Proceedings of the
1st European Modelling Workshop
(Cranfield University at Silsoe, UK,
18-19 June 2001)

Pesticides in surface waters

Workshop organisers: Sabine Beulke (Cranfield Centre for EcoChemistry, UK), Jos Boesten (Alterra Green World Research, The Netherlands) and Bernd Gottesbüren (BASF, Germany)

Local host: Cranfield Centre for EcoChemistry, Silsoe, UK


The development and status of the FOCUS Surface Water scenarios within Directive 91/414/EEC [116 KB], by Jan Linders (RIVM, The Netherlands)

FOCUS STEP 1 and 2 simulations [798 KB], by Michael Klein (Fraunhofer- Institut, Germany)

Simulation of runoff and erosion using PRZM in FOCUS [1.6 MB], by Mark H. Russell (DuPont Crop Protection, USA)

Influence of scenario assumptions on exposure in FOCUS water bodies, as calculated with TOXSWA [484 KB], by Paulien Adriaanse (Alterra Green World Research, The Netherlands)

From step 1 to step 3 [66 KB], by Denis Yon (Dow Agro Sciences, UK)

A physical model of spray drift from boom sprayers in agriculture [343 KB], by HJ Holterman (IMAG, The Netherlands)

PEC in surface water via drainflow: UK 1st tier approach [126 KB], by Andy Massey (PSD, UK)

Standard Scenarios For Tier 3 Aquatic Exposure Assessments in the US: MUSCRAT [1.8 MB], by Gary Mangels (BASF, USA)

Using the simulation error in lysimeter evaluations [183 KB], by Anja Verschoor (RIVM, The Netherlands)

Parameter estimation for outdoor water- sediment studies [76 KB], by Bernd Gottesbueren (BASF, Germany)

Nonpoint pollution by pesticides [334 KB], by Véronique Gouy (CEMAGREF, France)

Stochastic approach to evaluate pesticide fate in paddy area using the RICEWQ model [990 KB], by Ettore Capri (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy)

On- farm risk assessment for pesticides, Aquatic ecosystems in the UK agricultural landscape [755 KB], by Colin Brown (Cranfield Centre for EcoChemistry, UK)

Fate and behaviour of pesticides in farm ditches [678 KB], by Richard Williams (CEH Wallingford, UK)

Role of dispersion in interpretation of differences between FOCUS leaching models [417 KB], by Jos Boesten (Alterra Green World Research, The Netherlands)

Workshop resolutions

Resolutions of the 1st European Modelling Workshop [17 KB]

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